Feature Sep 07 Central banks accelerate digital currency plans as PBOC surges ahead Central banks are undertaking extensive work on digital currencies to improve the cost, security, speed and reach of transactions to eventually accele... 10681
Current Account Dec 04 Grab-Singtel, SEA Group, ANT and Chinese consortium win new digital bank licences in Singapore After a COVID-19 led delay, the Monetary Authority of Singapore finally announced the winners of four of five digital banking licences that it planned... 6740
Perspectives May 05 Technology, the game changer in climate-risk disclosure by companies seeking ESG investors The lack of a global standard for disclosure for companies reporting climate-related risks and opportunities have led central banks to propose technol... 8933
Research Note Nov 01 Hong Kong’s roadmap to promote fintech adoption HKMA’s Fintech Promotion Roadmap developed with industry stakeholders aims to drive fintech adoption and spark discussions among banks and fintech c... 14200
Panel Discussion Jul 03 Balancing innovation and financial regulations in AI At the BIS Innovation Summit 2024 in May, HKMA’s Eddie Yue and Chia Der Jiun from MAS highlighted the balance between AI innovation and regulatory f... 2233