
The Strongest Bank by Balance Sheet in the Philippines in 2022 is Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company.


The bank continued to outperform its peers in the country in terms of capitalisation and liquidity. Its Tier 1 capital ratio and total capital adequacy ratio reached 19.3% and 20.1% respectively, and its liquid assets to total deposits and borrowings ratio remained high, at 53.4%. The bank grew its low-cost CASA deposits by 12%, reflecting its solid deposit franchise.

Moreover, with its prudent management of credit risk, the bank demonstrated stronger asset quality than its peer banks in the country. Its gross NPL ratio eased to 2.1% in 2021 from 2.4% in the previous year. Meanwhile, its loan loss reserves to gross NPLs ratio rose further to more than 190%.

Click here to see the full Strongest Banks in Asia Pacific 2022