
Emirates NBD's Sarkar: "Our futuristic branch right in the centre of Dubai is a showcase of what's coming in financial innovation"


Suvo Sarkar, head of retail banking and wealth management at Emirates NBD, discusses the bank's "futuristic branch" in Dubai, the purpose for its conceptualisation, its inclusions, and how will it work as a client attraction in the next few years.

Here is the transcript:

Emmanuel Daniel (ED): Hello. I am here with my very good friend, Suvo Sarkar, who is the head of retail banking and wealth management at Emirates NBD. And here, it is showcase branch, which it's an amazing branch where he is envisioning what future the industry will look like, at the same time, you know, has some demonstrations that his customers can have a feel of it.

Suvo, tell me a little bit about this particular branch. Why did you set this up?

Suvo Sarkar (SS): First of all, welcome, Emmanuel, to our futuristic branch right in the centre of Dubai. This is a showcase of what's coming in financial innovation in the future. So, we think this is a good way to get our customers excited about what we believe is the future of commerce, future of banking, future of money.

What we have done is combined an actual branch, living, breathing branch with just transactions, with just advice, along with a few bit of cases of innovation, working with partners like SAP, MasterCard, and Visa…

ED: SAP, that's the joint venture you have with SAP.

SS: Yes, co-innovation, that's a Visa, yes.

ED: And that's Pepper, right?

SS: That's Pepper.

ED: Yes.

SS: That's from SoftBank.

ED: Yes, that's from SoftBank. And then you have something with MasterCard right −

SS: Future of shopping with MasterCard.

ED: Future of shopping with MasterCard where you do 3D shopping, which I had the experience of playing with just now. And this thing with SAP, what exactly is this?

SS: It's the future of home finance, how to buy homes in the future with what's your reality.

ED: Yes. So, your staff or even I can play with this.

SS: Yeah, you can, sure…can you show him how this works?

ED: Yeah, yeah, and as she’s showing – tell me, Suvo, why set up this branch. And then, on that side, he's got the transaction side of the bank. We'll have a quick look at that. And inside is actually real financial services. So, you can make an appointment with Pepper and go in there −

SS: That's right.

ED:  − and actually get a transaction. So, where are we taking this, Suvo?

SS: So, let me backtrack a little bit. This is part of the Dubai future museum.

ED: Right.

SS: So, the government of Dubai is setting up a museum of the future, which will showcase the future of transport, the future of power, the future of money, the future of everything basically, all the different sectors. This is really the future of money, the future of finance. We've been asked withthe pillar of finance.

Why the museum has been set up, the common museum just outside of our past, we decided to set up a branch, which is a precursor to our actual exhibit in that museum. So, really, what this does…is does a display of what is coming in the future. So, if you like, it's a museum, but not of the past, of the future. That's the concept.

And we worked obviously with our partners to think through what they believe is coming in the next two, three, four, five years. The Visa connected card could be a reality in probably two years' time, connected with the parking systems of the government, connected with the road system of the government.

ED: That's good.