Opinions Jun 29 China and Africa partner for sustainable investment and growth China has been Africa’s largest trading partner for 14 consecutive years, and recent deals between the two countries have further cemented their com... 11338
Opinions Jun 29 China and Africa partner for sustainable investment and growth China has been Africa’s largest trading partner for 14 consecutive years, and recent deals between the two countries have further cemented their com... 7082
Datafiles Jul 03 Average remuneration for senior staff at leading Chinese banks higher in 2022 compared to 2021 Despite efforts to cap financial sector pay, 17 out of the 25 largest commercial banks in China saw a rise in average remuneration for their directors... 2242
Research Note Jan 01 UnionBank leads in latest BankQuality Survey in the Philippines with innovative and convenient banking UnionBank topped the 2023 BankQuality™ Survey in the Philippines as the Most Recommended Retail Bank, achieving a score of 67%, tying with Metrobank... 786
Datafiles Jul 03 Bank lending in Asia Pacific to maintain growth of 9% amid China’s reopening Softening bank loan growth in some markets but Asia Pacific expected to sustain momentum in 2023 with post-COVID-19 recovery in China boosting lending... 1729