News Analysis Jul 16 Security lapses in 7-Eleven mobile app result in hackers stealing over $500,000 Lack of proper two-factor authentication and device linkage led to the hacking of 900 customer accounts and $509,000 fraudulent transactions in 7-Ele... 5350
Interview Sep 10 BCA’s Setiaatmadja: “Accelerating digital strategy vital to growing customer base and business stability” The president director of Bank Central Asia (BCA), Jahja Setiaatmadja, talks about how accelerating the bank’s digital transformation has helped in ... 9381
Current Account May 07 Digital currencies gain momentum in US and China The largest US cryptocurrency platform goes public and China's digital renminbi testing speeds up... 14638
Interview Dec 23 BSP's deputy governor Tangonan on financial inclusion, digital transformation, CDBCS and new payments infrastructures Mamerto Tangonan, deputy governor of BSP, discussed the latest developments in the Philippine’s journey to digitalising its financial ecosystem. He ... 19021
Interview Dec 31 CIMB's Samir Gupta: "Digital now accounts for 48% of total product sales" In this Leadership Perspective Series, Samir Gupta, CEO, consumer banking at CIMB Group, discussed the strategy and opportunities that drive digital t... 19815