Datafiles Oct 15 Thirteen most profitable digital banks in Asia Pacific upped earnings by 49% in 2019 Digital banks in Asia Pacific witnessed improving overall profitability in FY2019. Although some digital banks’ net profit in FY2020 has been affect... 13704
Speech Jan 28 BIS’ Carstens: “Digital currencies and the future of the monetary system” Agustín Carstens, general manager of Bank for International Settlements, in a speech to Hoover Institution affiliates, comprising Stanford University... 8335
Opinions May 25 ITM’s Thakkar: “India’s fintech industry to reach $160 billion by 2025” The growth in financial services has been remarkable over the past few years in India and the financial sector has witnessed a transformation with the... 10676
Speech Nov 18 MAS’ Menon: “Open crypto networks are not at the stage to meet high standards of governance, security and resilience” Ravi Menon, managing director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore speaks during the Singapore FinTech Festival 2021 on the future of money, finance... 28440
Interviews Jul 17 BCS leverages AWS cloud solution for cross-border real-time payments Cloud-based infrastructure plays a crucial role in enabling digital cross-border instant payment systems between Singapore and India... 9706
Interviews Oct 26 Techcombank’s Jens Lottner: “Our two new buildings merge traditions with a digital future” CEO Jens Lottner shared Techcombank’s innovative approach and vision following the opening of its headquarters in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in Viet... 6046