Opinions Oct 08 China opens a window to the future of finance China expands its financing capabilities with banking through apps.... 4669
Research Note Jan 31 Remittances and FX services – how banks are trying to crawl back these businesses from MTOs Given that remittances are so lucrative in so many markets in Asia, and that new competitors are offering faster and cheaper services, banks will need... 28130
Interviews Feb 14 Lu International's Wong: "Customising technology for markets draws in wealthy customers" Lu International is building an online wealth management platform, Lu Global, that leverages technology from China yet is tailored specifically for As... 15847
Research Note Apr 15 New players, new practices and new technologies in an evolving payments landscape Several key themes emerged amidst the many discussions by global leaders in payments, including QR code, blockchain, credit card schemes, fintech and ... 4095
Opinions May 20 globaliD's Kidd on future exchange society: The what, the who, and the why Greg Kidd, co-founder and CEO of globalID, postulates a few possible paths for the future exchange society. Greg Kidd will be a speaker at the Futur... 6594
Research Note Nov 25 Big tech disruptors find dividends of financial services come at a price Tech giants, which make up some of the world’s largest companies, are muscling into traditional banking spaces. But whether they want to crush the t... 7660