Current Accounts Feb 06 NPP's Lovney : “Our focus is to make real time payments more accessible to Australians” Lovney said in order to help foster the ecosystem and drive volume on the platform, NPP Australia are developing standards for structured data in a nu... 25827
Feature Sep 07 Central banks accelerate digital currency plans as PBOC surges ahead Central banks are undertaking extensive work on digital currencies to improve the cost, security, speed and reach of transactions to eventually accele... 10681
Speech Nov 18 MAS’ Menon: “Open crypto networks are not at the stage to meet high standards of governance, security and resilience” Ravi Menon, managing director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore speaks during the Singapore FinTech Festival 2021 on the future of money, finance... 28440
Feature May 20 Rise of digital assets and tokenisation Now a formidable force in the finance sector, digital assets and tokenisation offer unprecedented opportunities through innovative technologies that e... 9777
Sibos Round Up Oct 04 ANZ's Janakiraman: "The future of payment infrastructure would be driven by tokenisation" ... 2300