Research Note Jun 07 A voice-led future – Banking with “Alexa” and similar services become mainstream ... 15243
Research Note Nov 07 Solving the “trilemma” of cost, risk and speed in cross-border payment As real-time processing becomes the norm in domestic payments, how long would it take for cross-border payments to catch up? ... 6697
Case Study Nov 05 Liv – A New Model for Digital Banking in the Middle East After more than a year in service, Liv developed an innovative digital banking solution for the UAE, but needs to evolve quickly to stay ahead of both... 6844
Opinions Jan 16 Azzana’s Herreman: "Will corporates use API connectivity?" In the FX space, as in all others, multichannel connectivity is key – and API is quickly becoming a prominent channel that can no longer be side-li... 25153
Datafiles Dec 10 Santander Group's Ana Botin and Jose Alvarez made the largest contributions in COVID-19 response In addition to leading their institutions to support customers and communities, some bank bosses are also taking pay cuts or making charitable donatio... 7905
Profile Apr 01 Mashreq’s Fernando Morillo: “About 92% of our core banking systems are in the cloud” Mashreq Bank’s group head of retail banking, Fernando Morillo, spoke with Emmanuel Daniel about leveraging cloud-based infrastructure to grow its co... 9400