Research Note Dec 04 Consumers want speed – A leading-edge user experience is key to onboarding success The bank onboarding process should be fast, as the most fundamental attribute of an exceptional account opening experience is speed... 7616
Opinions Jun 19 Swain: Navigating the future of global commercial banking A wave of global megatrends is creating a tailwind of opportunities for businesses and individuals willing to transform their approach and adapt solu... 5624
Speeches and Presentations Dec 12 Soul Hitte: "We are building an infrastructure that did not exist before" Soul Hitte, founder of, a marketplace lending platform in China, compares the development of P2P lending between US and China, and the ex... 7183
Interview Aug 16 Twitter and Square investor Gregg Kidd: “Identity as a public good, but who is going to own it?” Greg Kidd, the serial startup investor who helped found Square and Twitter and is currently investor in GlobaliD, opens up in this wide-ranging and op... 11528