Research Note Jan 01 Decentralised finance and Web 3.0 shaping the future of financial services Industry leaders and experts discussed the emerging technology innovations in financial services, the development of new decentralised models and how ... 295
Sibos Round Up Jan 01 Decentralised finance and Web 3.0 shaping the future of financial services During the Singapore Fintech Festival 2021, industry leaders and experts discussed the emerging technology innovations in financial services, the deve... 132
Interview May 10 Zilliqa's Conn and Kumar: "DeFi has not fulfilled its promise to help the underbanked" Amrit Kumar, president and chief scientific officer of Zilliqa, and Michael Conn, CEO of Zilliqa Capital, share their perspectives on current challeng... 24721
Interview Aug 02 MC Payment’s Koh: “Payment consolidation is inevitable and companies must scale up or become irrelevant” Anthony Koh, group CEO and co-founder of MC Payment, one of the first few digital payments companies to be listed on Singapore Exchange (SGX) Catalist... 12445
Sibos Round Up Nov 11 Temenos’ Becker: “There needs to be a transition plan from the infrastructure support now to the next generation” David Becker, managing director Asia at Temenos, shared his perspectives on the emerging key technology trends, how banks need to focus on building th... 19791