AB500 Mar 13 Al Rajhi Bank’s $2.8 billion profit almost quarter of the 100 largest Islamic banks’ total Saudi Arabia-based Al Rajhi Bank retained its position as the largest and strongest Islamic bank in the world, with total assets amounting to $125 bil... 17571
AB500 Mar 13 ICBC still largest bank in the world as assets grew 10.7% The top ten remained largely unchanged in the ranking of the largest banks in Asia Pacific, while HSBC slipped two places to rank 13th due to the stro... 20376
AB500 Jan 01 Bank of China (Hong Kong) retains strongest bank ranking in Asia Pacific despite lowest score in five years The financial performance of the Hong Kong and Singapore banking sectors remained relatively strong. The COVID-related relief measures eased the short... 15736
Datafiles Jan 01 Ethereum dominates DeFi market, while Terra overtakes BSC as the second largest DeFi blockchain Ethereum, Terra and Binance Smart Chain (BSC), the top three largest DeFi blockchain networks, represented 76.5% of all DeFi activity. Ethereum is fac... 6564
Datafiles Mar 13 Almost 40% of current unicorns were created in the first eight months of 2021 The number of unicorns has increased dramatically amid a surge in venture capital investments, making 2021 a record year for privately held startup co... 21337
Datafiles Mar 13 China's digital RMB trial surpassed $5.3B in transactions China’s pilot of the central bank digital currency has made promising progress. However, the digital RMB system collects and share less transaction ... 5697
Research Note Jan 01 Former HKMA chief Norman Chan recognised for lifetime contribution to monetary and financial development of Hong Kong With tremendous insights and expertise, Norman Chan Tak-lam prioritised the stability of Hong Kong's monetary and financial systems as the key goal of... 5661
Research Note Jan 01 KBank's Banthoon Lamsam lauded for transforming the bank and shaping Thailand's financial industry With great foresight and fortitude, Banthoon Lamsam steered Kasikornbank through a series of crises and challenges, while leading the bank to invest s... 6338
Datafiles Jan 01 DiDi’s $4.4 bn listing largest Chinese IPO in US since 2014 as regulation tightens In June 2021, Chinese ride hailing giant Didi and digital freight platform Full Truck Alliance made their debuts in the US amid the volatile initial p... 11403
Datafiles Jan 01 South African banks grew home loans by 4.1% amid record low interest rates Standard Bank of South Africa gained market share in home loans, while FirstRand Bank only grew its home loans by 0.2%. ... 8170
Current Account Jan 01 Global remittances fell smaller than expected 2.4% in 2020 as economies recover says World Bank Despite 2020 being a difficult year for most economies, some countries’ remittance flows have proven more resilient than expected during the COVID-1... 13788
Datafiles Jan 01 Top ten companies with most bitcoin hold over 204,000 in total Some companies have acquired cryptocurrencies for their corporate treasuries despite the volatility. MicroStrategy, the public company that holds the ... 107196
Datafiles Jan 01 Bitcoin’s market dominance falls to 38% as crypto asset trading grows The crypto market is becoming more mature and many mainstream companies have shown interest in the crypto ecosystem.. The impressive rise of cryptocur... 24177
Current Account Jan 01 Mergers and acquisitions more than tripled in Asia Pacific as China opens up The Asia Pacific will likely remain an active place for mergers and acquisitions (M and A) in the financial sector in 2021 due to stronger post-pandem... 6735
Current Account Jan 01 Top Indonesian banks’ net profit slid 39% as bad loans rose The financial results of BUKU IV banks, the top banks by core capital in Indonesia, weakened amid the COVID-19 crisis. Banks experienced a contraction... 8759
Datafiles Jan 01 Indonesian banks’ profitability hardest hit amid COVID-19 but remained highest in Asia Pacific The COVID-19 pandemic has exerted substantial impact on the profitability of banks in Asia Pacific, although most are better positioned to weather thi... 7564
AB500 Jan 01 Saudi Arabian and Egyptian banks demonstrate capital strength as Middle Eastern and African peers reveal weakness amid heightened stress National Commercial Bank and Banque Misr emerged as the strongest bank by balance sheet in the Middle East and Africa respectively in 2020. Banks in S... 19025
Research Note Jan 01 Asian banks' assets grew 10.3% amid surge in mergers and acquisitions Chinese and Japanese banks again dominate the list of The Asian Banker 500 largest banks. Balance sheet growth accelerated in the first half of 2020 a... 6833
AB500 Jan 01 Hong Kong banks prove balance sheet resilience as Asia Pacific players suffer credit and profit stress Bank of China (Hong Kong) emerges as strongest bank by balance sheet in Asia Pacific in 2020. While the majority of banks in the region maintained ade... 25458
AB500 Jan 01 Islamic banks' assets rose 13% Saudi Arabian Islamic banks continue to display strong financial performance. The growth of Islamic bank assets accelerated despite slowdown in profit... 29915